Connecting YOU to YOUR body's innate wisdom
Allene Gibson, owner of Body Wisdom Kinesiology NZ, is one of New Zealand's leading Kinesiology Practitioners with over 10 years experience and the only Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology (EMK) Instructor in New Zealand. She teaches the complete pathway for you to learn and become an Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology (EMK) Practitioner, having you fully certified and practicing as a professional, confident and competent Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiologist in under 12 months.
In her Kinesiology NZ training, she shares how to connect deeply with her clients, allowing them to feel seen and heard. Throughout the training she empowers and mentors her students from the very beginner fundamental 'Kineasy Intro Course' all the way through the different body energy systems of the Five Elements, Meridians, Chakras, Transpersonal Chakras and Auras - these are a series of transformational courses.
In her Kinesiology NZ consultations, she has a passion for helping others to tap into their potential, tune into their inner world, discover hidden truths that lie within and communicate with your body on a deeper level to clear stress, tension and trauma.
What is Kinesiology?
Life’s experiences deposit their tension deep into our bodies. This leaves us physically, mentally, energetically and emotionally depleted.
Ki·ne·si·ol·o·gy is a holistic healing technique using "Muscle Testing" to access any stressors that are limiting wellness and the innate healing processes. This holistic therapy enables you to identify the resistance points, accessing your subconscious body wisdoms, to explore your inner world as the place to transform from.
Muscle testing also determines which non-invasive therapeutic techniques from my toolbox are to be used and how, which ensures each and every session is unique to you.
Our body movement becomes a reflection of our tension. When you unlock these subconscious tension points you naturally relax on a subconscious level, which activates deep release through your entire body. Muscles, organs, tissues and your cellular structures begin to communicate more efficiently. You are set free for growth and a reconnection to your inner powers, your Body Wisdom.
Would you like to improve your health, relieve tension or pain, remove unwanted habits and self limiting beliefs, develop new patterns, create a positive thought process, increase your energy and learn what is needed to sustain and enhance all aspects of your life.
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