Learn Touch for Health® (TFHK)

Touch for Health® Kinesiology (TFHK ) is an internationally certified system of 14 movements for balancing posture, vitality, and wellness.
Touch for Health is the most widely used system of kinesiology in the world, so begin your exciting career today. TFHK is recognised and respected as a fundamental training for other kinesiology systems as well as a healing modality in it's own right.
You will learn 14 muscle tests, how they relate to specific emotions, an organ, an acupuncture meridian, and specific nutritional needs. The 14 systems state of balance is identified and non-invasive techniques such as reflex stimulation, meridian energy work, emotional stress release and suggested nutrition are offered.
Launched in 1973 this is a worldwide movement with a holistic approach to health which teaches the restoring of our natural body wisdom energies, a safe and effective way to maintain health, enhance well-being and upgrade performance.
Course Hours: Touch for Health Level 1&2 taught over 2 x two-day workshops (16 hours each level).
Prerequisite: None – everyone welcome 🙂 | Investment: $900 inc. GST | Certified: 32 hours