Become a Qualified & Practicing Kinesiologist.
Here is your pathway to become a qualified and Certified Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™ Practitioner.
Be part of this beautiful heartfelt kinesiology modality and learn how to tap into the emotions and metaphysical connections of the mind, body & soul. Our specialised and unique system combines six in-person courses (step 1-3), finishing with an online Practitioner Certification training (step 4). We will have you qualified, insured & practicing as a confident, professional and skilled Kinesiologist in under 10 months.
STEP 1: The Kineasy Intro Course is the foundation & prerequisite for all our Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology courses. This two day eye-opening ‘Kineasy Intro Course‘ will offer you all the foundations of Kinesiology healing. Understand the beauty and science of muscle testing and how it can be used to communicate with the body, learn to tap into the power of the subconscious mind to shift old patterns and emotional stress. Explore beautiful natural remedies, connect with like-minded souls and complete your first Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology balance.
STEP 2 : Two intakes; either start your Kinesiology journey February or mid-year.
Students must attend either Mastery of the Five Elements (start of the year intake) or
Chakra Healing Kinesiology, (mid year intake) as these courses are the prerequisites for the step 3 advanced courses and will depend on which pathway you started your year on. (Beginning of year: Elements into Meridians, Mid year: Chakras into Transpersonal & Auras)
Step 3: Depending on your pace, Either Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology, which is also a minimum requirement to attend the final online program Step 4. Or Transpersonal Chakra Kinesiology & Aura Balancing.

STEP 4: Practitioner Certification Training Program is only taught by the Founder of By The Bay Kinesiology® once a year, starting in August. Training is online via Live Zoom Video Conference: 30 hours face-to-face commitment (Evenings or School Hours).
Our complete Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™ Practitioner Certification is brought to NZ as an independent, Trademark and Copyright program from By The Bay Kinesiology Australia, you become certified and registered through By The Bay Kinesiology.