Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology Course
Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology (EMK) Modality
This class covers everything you need to know about the energy channels called the meridians and the acupressure points along the meridian lines. Our meridians are connected to all our inner vital organs, when we experience pain, stress or dis-ease, the Chi or energy of our organs and meridians are impeded. This class provides deep knowledge of meridians, including their function and relationship with the organs, emotional attributes, physical relevance and metaphors.
Learn the 14 meridian lines in the body – Central, Governing, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, GallBladder, Liver, Lung, Large Intestine and "eight extraordinary meridians".
Prerequisite: Kineasy Intro Course + Mastery of the Five Elements | Certified: 47 hours
Course Dates: Online & In-Person commitments to meet, Check dates & fee structure here.
Times: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm
Instructor: Allene Gibson
Location: Body Wisdom Kinesiology, 13 Parklands Avenue, Mangawhai Heads, NZ
Investment: $1,600 inc. GST

What you will Learn/Course Content.
- Locations of the 14 meridian lines in the body – Central, Governing, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, Gall Bladder, Liver, Lung, Large Intestine
- Related organs, organ energy, element, peak hours of day, paired organ, colour, physical branches, attributes and the function of each meridian in detail
- Emotional and Physical indications of an imbalanced and balanced meridian
- How to test and identify when a meridian is out of balance using muscle reflex testing and alarm points
- Detailed meridian remedy information and practical application for: Meridian lines; Acupressure points; Essential Oils; Crystals; Colour; Sound; Flower Essences; Nutrition; Affirmations; Activities/Spiritual Practices; Shamanic Healing Tools; Emotional Stress Release (ESR); Oracle/Healing Cards; Nature’s Healing Chi; Moxibustion; Elephant Warmer and Tiger Warmer; Plus more!
- Acupressure points are taught in meaningful, practical ways. Yuan Source Points, Luo Connecting Points, Jing Well Points, Accumulation Points, Association Points, Tonification Points, Sedation Points, Influential Points and Master Points are all thoroughly presented with effective strategies to use during treatments to provide deep healing and transformation.
- The language and beauty of the ‘Eight Extraordinary Meridians’. These meridians are a healing system within themselves which support the other 12 meridians giving a sense of freedom. These points are very precious, marvellous, extraordinary and amazing to work with.
- Skills and techniques to communicate and connect openly and genuinely with your client to build trust, open up their heart and allow them to feel (which is all part of the healing as ‘feeling is healing’)
- Full step by step balancing procedure for Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology including an easy to follow template session sheet.
- Practical application of the full Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology balance including using all remedies on other workshop participants.
Course Hours:
32 hours – face-to-face classroom hours, 15 hours – Out of class time which includes an online assessment and 6 x case studies. Total Course Proficiency Hours = 47 hours