2024 Kinesiology Training Enrolments Open


Work with Emotions & Metaphysical Energy.

Healers, Coaches, Spiritual, Energy & Emotional Entrepreneurs, if you are enchanted by all things metaphysical - this accredited Kinesiology training is for you. Become an Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology™ Certified Practitioner. NZ needs more Kinesiologists Now.

Kinesiologists use Muscle Testing and this is an emotional and energy body communication tool that will make accessing clients innate wellness transformational. Build yourself a new business career opportunity or add this powerful modality of Kinesiology to your current practice.

Take a modern look at emotional causes of wellness and the patterns that these energy systems affect. Learn to work with Emotions & the Metaphysical body to identify stress, blocks or imbalances and learn to clear these using non-invasive, natural remedies such as acupressure, colour therapy, sound, crystals, acupressure, flower essences, & essential oils.

Begin with the Kineasy Introduction Course, that will have you confidently muscle testing and ready to immerse into the full pathway to become an Emotions & Metaphysical Kinesiology™ Certified Practitioner. Become a Kinesiologist - Study Pathway NZ.

Learn the different body energy systems of the Five Elements, Meridians, Chakras, Transpersonal Chakras and Auras - these are a series of transformational energy systems that assure you will have a good all round knowledge of the power systems of the body to share with others.

Next available dates here.


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