Body Wisdom Mastery of Elements Student Access
To adequately complete the Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence & Character you have four assessments to finish:
- Multiple Choice Assessment.
- Short Answer Assessment.
- 6 Case Studies (to be returned in one PDF document)
- 3 Constitutional Profiling Case Studies
Please find below PDF documents, Case Study & Profiling Templates, Balancing Protocols and other useful references below. These documents are copyrighted and provided only to students of Body Wisdom Kinesiology, intended strictly for student-use only. These documents are not to be distributed further.
Email documentation to:

Whilst studying the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Modality, you CANNOT:
Call yourself a Kinesiologist (unless you have other Kinesiology qualifications)
Charge or accept money for Kinesiology Case Studies or Kinesiology Sessions post finishing your case studies prior to being certified.
Advertise your services and market yourself or list yourself as a Kinesiologist anywhere (ie. Social Media, Website or anywhere else)
Please note: The Attendance & Proficiency Certificates that you receive per individual Kinesiology Course is not an official certification, just an acknowledgement of completing that module.
You MUST complete the full EMK Pathway including the Practitioner Certification Training Program to become a qualified and Certified Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Practitioner where you can then call yourself a Kinesiologist and charge for your Kinesiology Services. Specific Kinesiology Insurance can only be obtained once you receive your Certification from By The Bay Kinesiology.
However, whilst undertaking your Kinesiology studies you CAN:
Create a social media page and list yourself as: Studying Kinesiology and a date that you plan to be certified, ie. Nov 20##.
Share posts about the benefits of Kinesiology, start building your brand, share your experiences, share your achievements from case studies you have done and courses you have attended, be authentic about where you are at.
Accept an energy exchange for additional sessions over and above your required course case studies. If clients want to see you prior to becoming qualified, as you are unable to charge for your services, you could organise an energy exchange such as a testimonial, bunch of flowers, crystals, something handmade, food, etc. in place of a money exchange.
The intention of this information is to ensure that everyone is aware of their legal and ethical obligations and fully understands what is and isn’t acceptable when studying the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Modality.

All cancellations and request for refunds must be made in writing. The deposit is non-refundable, unless Trainer cancels. In the event of a cancellation a refund is given on balance of payment as follows: More than 14 days cancellation notice, full refund less $200 deposit/administration fee; 7-14 days cancellation notice, 50% refund less $200 deposit/administration fee; Less than 7 days’ notice, no refund and no transfer to the next time this course runs or to any other course, workshop or program regardless of circumstance. If after the course has commenced, you are unwell or unable to stay and complete the course or attend any part of the course (ie. day 2) you will not be entitled to a refund of any amount. Should you wish to attend the next course, you will be allowed to attend and required to pay a 50% repeater fee for that day (ie. $400 per day x 50% repeat fee = $200 additional payment) and you will attend as an additional person (therefore you may be placed into a group of three for practical work). The offer to repeat is only valid for the next immediate course date offered for that course, no extension will be given for future course dates. Every effort is made to ensure courses are run as per scheduled dates. Body Wisdom Kinesiology reserves the right to cancel any course due to insufficient enrolments (ie. less than two students). In the event of a course being cancelled, course fees will be refunded or transferred to a future course date. Body Wisdom Kinesiology reserves the right to move the date of any module with prior notification.
Services offered are complementary to allopathic medicine, other therapies and will not diagnose or treat named diseases.